I like to do a bit of lateral reading, and one thing that we can all agree on is that the earth has gone through multiple periods of Ice Ages alternating with warmer periods, and that these occurred pre-industrialisation.
The last time ice was flowing down my local High Street was a mere 16,000 years ago, the mere blink of an eye in geological time.
The warm periods are known as "Greenhouse Earth" periods, here are some snippets from the "science" that are food for thought.
Quote: There are several theories as to how a greenhouse Earth can come about. Geologic climate proxies indicate that there is a strong correlation between a greenhouse state and high CO2 levels. However, it is important to recognize that high CO2 levels are interpreted as an indicator of Earth's climate, rather than as an independent driver.
Which ties in rather well with BD's comments. We are currently told clearly that CO2 is a
driver. Here the science says it's an
indicator. That is highly significant. The cause and effect are reversed.
Then this:-
Quote: Methane, the main component of natural gas, is responsible for more than a quarter of the current global warming. It's a formidable pollutant with an 80-fold higher global warming potential than CO2
That is massive. Mankind isn't releasing Methane, most of it is comes from Volcanoes (though some from cows apparently and also from melting of permafrost regions )
The IPCC also stated this in 2009:
Quote: For instance, a “runaway greenhouse effect”—analogous to Venus-- appears to have virtually no chance of being induced by anthropogenic activities
Again that seems to have been changed and we are now told runaway climate change is certain unless we "do something" about the CO2, which it seems is an indicator not a driver.. Hmmmm
Finally for now:
Quote: Earth is now in a clement interglacial period that started approximately 11,800 years ago. Earth will likely phase into another interglacial period such as the Eemian, which occurred between 130,000 and 115,000 years ago, during which evidence of forest in North Cape, Norway, and hippopotamus in the Rhine and Thames Rivers can be observed.
So, we are heading for a very warm period. Isn't that what we are actually seeing right now maybe?
These aren't whacky "conspiracy" claims. The IPCC is a respected scientific source. But the more you read the more theoretical the evidence becomes.
Then crucially one starts to realise that the media narrative is being
selective about what it highlights and not giving the full spectrum of scientific viewpoints in order to create a narrative of fear and change behaviour. The green industry, everything from Solar to EVs to Wind Energy NEEDS this narrative to get investment and succeed.