Just checking, do you know if you have any degree of LTA protection, due to your pension being in payment for a number of years? Also I think some early pensions are valued at 25 times the annual DB pension amount, so as Jasper mentions it’s definitely worth checking with your scheme administrator for an accurate calculation. They might be able advise on the tax payable on any LTA excess too?
There’s some info on LTA protection on this gov.uk website:
Also this link might be quite helpful, though some of it gets too technical for me, there’s lots of links to other sites, including hmrc, or browse the Royal London website, if you prefer not to click links. I usually click to say I’m an adviser, you seem to get better info.
I think you can lose yourself trying to read it all, with no guarantee you’ve understood it properly (been there, done that!) so if your scheme administrator can help, that’s probably ideal.