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Energy Costs
Bulldog Drummond
Posted: 31 August 2022 20:37:17(UTC)

Joined: 03/10/2017(UTC)
Posts: 6,253

The EU has never been able to decide on anything sensible - it's like watching a Rat King. All tied together by their tails and hating each other.
Posted: 02 September 2022 09:39:07(UTC)

Joined: 09/11/2020(UTC)
Posts: 1,951

countrymum;236307 wrote:
Just in case anyone was interested, this is quite a good online calculator - if you put in the energy consumption and time used of appliances, it tells you how much it costs to run.

and you can swop the tariff from Apr22 price cap to Oct22 price cap, which highlights the scale of the increases.

People are going to have to rapidly change their habits - lots of chat on mumsnet debating the efficiencies e.g. run a freezer or buy food in every day / air fryers vs ovens / etc etc

Also I heard on the radio how coffee shops / public buildings are noticing people popping in to charge their electrical devices.

Thinking of which - does anyone know - if you charge your phone from your car socket as you drive along, is that essentially "free" charge vs plugging it in at home? (look after the pennies & all that)


You will save even more money if you don't have a mobile phone to charge. Another tip: don't have pets.
They have to be fed and pampered which consumes money and time.

I've seen people in supermarkets queuing at the checkouts with baskets full of ped food, presumably to feed their peds, with a measly couple of tins of baked beans for themselves.

Of course, they might be eating the dog food!

I'm amazed by the number of people with pampered pooches.

Where I come from if a dog doesn't earn its keep, it becomes surplus to requirements.

We have lovely neighbours but culturally they might as well come from a different planet. The lady of the house recently travelled a substantial distance by train solely to feed her granddaughter's goldfish because the family had gone on holiday.

I once had a goldfish as a pet. When it died I used it as bait for pike fishing. It barely hit the water and bang! a 12lb pike was on the line.

I caught another two with the same half-chewed, dead goldfish.

Posted: 02 September 2022 09:52:20(UTC)

Joined: 09/11/2020(UTC)
Posts: 1,951

bédé;236480 wrote:
Tim D;236433 wrote:
I did try oat milk but it makes everything taste of porridge).

It must be tough living in Scotland if you don't like porridge

I usually have porridge a couple of times a week in winter. Otherwise I stick to my own recipe, wife-made muesli, which is mostly oats. Now oats cakes, they are something to avoid.


I have porridege most mornings with sliced banana, sliced apricots and cream.
Fills you up and relieves trapped wind.
Posted: 02 September 2022 10:08:27(UTC)

Joined: 09/11/2020(UTC)
Posts: 1,951

I suspect that we will just have to get used to living in cold houses over Winter and eat raw food.
When the Innuit lived a traditional hunter/killer lifestyle they were amazingly healthy. They rarely, if ever, ate vegetables (now called veggies), or fruit, with the exception of a few berries in "Summer". They ate their food raw.
Also, they didn't have gas central heating in their igloos.
We just had to man-up, wear more clothes, be more active and eat more raw food.
Nowadays people have their central heating on full blast in Winter and walk around the house in "leisure wear" including shorts and sandals.
1 user thanked Easyrider for this post.
ANDREW FOSTER on 04/09/2022(UTC)
Posted: 02 September 2022 10:09:42(UTC)

Joined: 26/09/2018(UTC)
Posts: 7,895

Easyrider;237060 wrote:
I have porridege most mornings with sliced banana, sliced apricots and cream.
Fills you up and relieves trapped wind.

To my mind trapped wind is gas. It's not wind unless its moving. The medical use of "flatus" is similar, latin for blowing.

Prebiotics, in feeding the gut flora, are guaranteed to generate gas.

By-the-way, I have to think hard before deciding whether it is pre- or probiotics. I learned in Latin that pre means: comes before, pro means: for or on behalf of. So to my logic probiotocs must be the food for bugs - I just take the opposite.
Posted: 02 September 2022 10:29:40(UTC)

Joined: 26/09/2018(UTC)
Posts: 7,895

Swap porridge for muesli. Similar content, no oooking.

On feeding goldfish:
In a pond they don't need any human help with food. They can easlly last a month.

I feed mine regulaly so they cme out to greet me. Otherwise I might never see them, hidden amongst the weeds and water lilies.

I kept tropical fish as a youngster. I got a neighbour to feed them for a fortnight. When I got home, the water was black and every fish dead. After than I just left them "home alone".

On watering gardens:
On a similar line. I have trained my garden to live for two weeks without me.
I have noticed from this and other houses, that neighbours get people in to water. As I peep from behind the curtains, I see people watering busily the evening before the return. They never viisited before.
dominic tugal
Posted: 02 September 2022 12:08:10(UTC)

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Porridge when it gets cold, muesli (made by me) in summer.

Cold soaking oats works too...(not recommended - hiking food only for me)

Slow & pressure cookers already in use.

Invested in Bulldog's window film (yet to arrive).

Insulation foil (bubble wrap with an Alu foil coating) behind the radiators.

LEDs to replace light bulbs as they expire,

My cashmere blanket, bought in Ladakh 35 years ago may upset
my wife by making an appearance (I've long resisted her requests to use it
'it sheds fibres darling').

The paraffin heater rescued from my late mum's house is on standby..

Stocked up on candles & camping gas....
3 users thanked dominic tugal for this post.
Easyrider on 02/09/2022(UTC), kim shillinglaw on 02/09/2022(UTC), Bulldog Drummond on 03/09/2022(UTC)
Bulldog Drummond
Posted: 03 September 2022 18:07:32(UTC)

Joined: 03/10/2017(UTC)
Posts: 6,253

Some Top Tips today in the Daily Mail, e.g. shower at your gym and charge your phone at work. I might have to spend more time at my clubs, which will no doubt have more old codgers like me infesting them as the nights draw in. Meanwhile my Octopus gas meter reading for end-August is "under review", the nice people at Octopus clearly thinking that I am taking the piss as my gas usage has been so low over the summer.
1 user thanked Bulldog Drummond for this post.
Easyrider on 03/09/2022(UTC)
Posted: 03 September 2022 18:35:22(UTC)

Joined: 27/06/2014(UTC)
Posts: 813

Bulldog Drummond;237288 wrote:
Some Top Tips today in the Daily Mail, e.g. shower at your gym and charge your phone at work. I might have to spend more time at my clubs, which will no doubt have more old codgers like me infesting them as the nights draw in. Meanwhile my Octopus gas meter reading for end-August is "under review", the nice people at Octopus clearly thinking that I am taking the piss as my gas usage has been so low over the summer.

Could be false economy, as your Clubs might up the Subs to accommodate you and your similar thinking folk.(smile)

I would like to hope that nearly everyone on the Forum, would carry on as near enough as normal. No point in having money, and being tight and cold.
Bulldog Drummond
Posted: 03 September 2022 18:51:54(UTC)

Joined: 03/10/2017(UTC)
Posts: 6,253

Lindisfarne;237292 wrote:

I would like to hope that nearly everyone on the Forum, would carry on as near enough as normal. No point in having money, and being tight and cold.

Economy is the luxury of the rich, extravagance that of the poor...

Many years ago, I was on Madeira and heading off for a long walk through the mountains. Setting off on a warm, sunny day, in shorts and T shirt, I passed a bloke selling thick, home-made sweaters from a trestle table and thought what an idiot. Turning the corner of the hill I walked into one of the many of Madeira's strange micro-climates, and it went from warm to freezing, so I went back and bought a sweater. Wish I still had it, but it was heavy on lanolin and some years later the moths got to feast on it. Always reminded me of the old joke about the guy selling ties in the desert.
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