Rob B;245561 wrote:I tried (and have clearly failed) to start a wholesome thread on Fixed Income yesterday evening.
Not everyone has your purported super intelligence in finding things so simple (combined with a wonderful dismissive nature), easyrider. A little reflection wouldn't go amiss.
I've invested in corporate bonds, gilts and New Zealand Government bonds.
I didn't find it difficult as a private investor.
I stayed away from junk bonds.
When I referred to BS "bonds" I was referring to saving products which are often marketed as "bonds".
Another product called a "bond" is a Prudence bond, but my understanding is that it isn't a bond.
It wasn't my attention to be dismissive. It was simply to open up a discussion. I was unaware of another post on this subject.
Everything can be made difficult, sometimes unnecessarily so. I tend to avoid investments which aren't readily comprehensible to me, or seem unnecessarily complicated.