Cm258;253413 wrote:Thanks for the contribution both! Really insightful.
Do you hold RLGES alongside a global passive tracker? Trying to work out the benefit of holding alongside the FTSE Global All Cap and the allocation I'd probably need to benefit from any outperformance
Yeah I hold alongside passives along with a handful of other active funds.
I have it in all my accounts - SIPPS/ISAS/Fund & Share as a 15% holding.
If you are mainly passives and want one single active for outperformance I don't know how effective a strategy that would be. Simply because picking one active fund out of the 500+ global/global income funds to outperform is a hell of a task! And again after 3 years of outperformance is it likely to outperform for another 3? There's a question there given what we know about performance persistence.
I hold it more for downside protection than necessarily outperformance if that makes sense - I prefer actives that are a bit more "defensive" and protect me from the most crowded places in the index rather than chasing outperformance per se.
If you are all passive, going down the active route is opening pandoras box and may not deliver what you want it to. Perhaps an alternative could be a small allocation to a momentum factor passive, that way you scratch the active itch and have a slight overweight to what's done well recently - which is after all how people choose active funds on the whole!
Context of the holding in my own portfolio;
Passive Equity 38.1%
Global Trackers 29.3%
Hedged Global Trackers 8.8%
Active Equity 53.1%
Royal London Global Eq Select 15.3%
Mid Wynd 12.2%
Schroder Global Equity 9.4%
BNY Mellon Multi Asset Growth 6.3%
Vanguard Global Sustainable 5.1%
Scottish American 4.8%
Private Equity 8.8%
HVPE 8.8%
(circa £710k overall portfolio last I looked)