We’re writing to let you know that we are increasing the interest rate paid on cash balances held in British Pounds and US Dollars. This change will be effective from 1 February 2023.
ISA and Junior ISA
Cash Balance Gross % AER %
over £10,000 1.75 1.76
first £10,000 0.75 0.75
Trading accounts
Cash Balance Gross % AER %
over £10,000 1.50 1.51
first £10,000 0.50 0.50
Cash Balance Gross % AER %
over £10,000 2.00 2.02
first £10,000 1.00 1.00
The interest is paid on cash balances held in British Pounds and US Dollars. Cash held in ISA, JISA, Trading and SIPP accounts is treated separately on an individual account basis.
Cash balances in British Pounds and US Dollars are treated separately for the purposes of calculating interest, even if held within the same account