Prigozhin is no fool. Should he come to power his first task will be working out how to stay in power. That will be a challenge. Staying alive will be a challenge.
Likely he will declare the war a huge mistake and blame Putin, while flagging himself as one who 'did his duty'. He will likely reverse the decrees of annexation of the Donbass and make overtures to the West in an attempt to get sanctions reduced. He may reverse the recognition of LPR/DPR and hang them out to dry.
It's unlikely to work and the US declaration of Wagner as an International Criminal Organisation is likely an attempt to undermine him, as he'd face arrest if he left the country (to go to the UN for example). He would be land locked.
I cannot see sanctions being lifted unless and until people have been brought to the Hague. That would likely include him.
A weak Prigozhin who is smart enough to stay within his borders is likely just what the West wants.
One of the fascinating clips yesterday was a Wagner officer 'interrogating' a mobik who had shot some Ukrainian civilians while drunk. It looks like a deliberate attempt to try to 'sanitise' the Wagner Command 'we didn't order this'.