SF100;256637 wrote:Mr GL;256635 wrote:Logic Prophets;256622 wrote:We can all try and second guess the true valuation on PE at this moment in time…. and I guess soem of you probably know my thoughts by now…. but everyone should bear in mind that this preliminary NAV update is an “estimate” and no more than that.
“As normal at this stage of our year end, the preliminary NAV is an estimate and remains subject to adjustment and audit. Full details will be included in the 2022 Annual Report & Accounts, which is expected to be published at the end of February.”
your intentions here seem a little suspect / disingenuous / badly intended to me - I will leave it to others to speculate on your reasons...
I believe LP is, or was, a holder of RCP.
Based on previous posts & form, I honestly think LP is simply looking out for forum members here, in a "just take it canny here" kinda way.
Thanks both for your inputs.
Yes - I believe he was a holder... however you have to deal with the facts that you have in hand and try to come to a rational conclusion...
look at what RIT's NAV has done over the last year... compare that with what has happened to public markets and then try and decide if they have produced an honest update to their NAV... it looks to me that they have reported a VERY believable NAV with a believable explanation..
Then look at what RIT's share have done over the same period and come to a reasonable conclusion as to whether the share price has reasonably reflected the move in the NAV over the time period...
NAV fell from RCP 2794 to 2388 a fall of -14.5% (not including dividends)
Share price rcp sp from 2750 to 2125 a fall of -22.7% during 2022
the discount widened significantly...
LP is seemingly unsatisfied with the fall in share price and is trying to insinuate that RIT have reported an inaccurate NAV estimate today ... despite them using standard lawyer drafted ass covering language that they used previously..
LP is therefore trying to add an element of doubt of the type of 'maybe the managers at RIT are lying to us and maybe their NAV estimate is overstating their real value at the end of December'...
I conclude that LP now appears to have an axe to grind and WANTS the share price to be lower and it trying to seed doubt and suspicion into investors minds...
IF I felt that there was potential fraud in any one of my investments I would sell immediately... but there is no evidence - as far as I can see - that RIT have not been honest... More worryingly would be IF they had claimed an unchanged NAV despite running a predominantly long only portfolio...
RIT performed badly last year - alongside pretty much the whole investment universe - equities and bonds...
I see no reason to try and imply deceit after a pretty brutal admission today... unless you WANT the share price to fall further...
and to add and reply to MR above re what may have happened post Dec 2022 ie YTD...
YTD RIT's share price is down a further 6.8%
YTD VWRL is up 7.7%
YTD IGLT +2.3%, SLXX +4%, HYLD +4.4%, JMG +9.2%
IPRV is up 12.5%
This seems a significant disconnect... risk in general is up a decent step YTD... and yet RIT's share price has continued to fall...
and yet LP seems to think RIT's shares should be lower still... doesn't seem too 'logical' to me...
So YES I would speculate from here that RIT's discount is in the low 20% region... historically very cheap...
I still have 20%+ in RCP... bought small higher than current prices... I have not felt any need to reduce this today... and wont add as I am at my max position limit...