Can I find a link now, naturally not......but I'm about 90% certain I read something about RIT reducing their Coupang stake, maybe 6 months or more back now.
But rather than carrying on like 3 Bulls in a China Shop, how about .......noticing what didn't happen yesterday?
No retest of the very recent low point, 1940p. Not even close. This I would (did, another Long in, no shares sold) take as a "good thing" for now - suggests to me much of the selling had been done post Questor, and only a few stragglers were left wavering.
If we think of the market as the transferring of assets to their rightful owners, from the impatient to the patient, or here, from Questor readers with no stomach for it to folk like Mr GL who will wait this storm in a teacup out ...... not all bad? Not great I grant, but the share price has been lower only days before. Today, 2000 is looking as likely as any other,
One thing I don't like though, you can see that the selling began Friday afternoon. But we only got hands on the NAV yesterday morning! Never keen on leaky shops, and I'd expect better of an outfit RIT's size and standing, if it was crazy man with MNL, maybe......
Unprovable, probably, but it's written in the charts clear enough.
Short term, 15 mins -
There is a whole discussion about how PE is valued to be had, but maybe at our leisure, and without the frayed nerves?