Mr GL;256782 wrote: helping me understand if I am crazy or not... I think I am on the right side of risk / reward and feel I am in an asymmetric trade.
Not crazy and I concur it seems a reasonable punt for both a trade or a longer term hold. However, I guess I would say that, as I've also punted a 10% slug of my portfolio into it recently.
But, not sure I'd describe it as asymetric though, as it's hardly a 'your money back at the very least' situation. I view it as a potential 10-15% upside this year if markets are steadily "up and to the right" but with a decent downside risk if markets puke.
As already discussed, Jan's NAV should be a step up, not just from Chinese and US equities, but also from fixed income, with a bit of headwind from GBP-USD's 3% appreciation. Feb's NAV might also be heading for another step up as the currency appreciation has, so far, largely unwound and Chinese equities are still gaining.
There's nothing yet on the horizon that might repair the discount. Needs a few months of decent NAV growth for that, even better if they can deliver it when markets aren't, and try to regain some defensive credibility.
Oh, and IIRC, the share price has tended to do OK around new ISA season, so Apr might see a little improvement on the discount front.