William P;257393 wrote:Hello All
I have a seven figure sum of Euros in a business bank account.
The bank is now offering me 4% for 1 year fixed term £Stg deposit, but only 0.5% for Euros irrespective of duration.
So I think I should consider converting the Euros to £Stg to avail of the higher interest rate, but also the Euros to £Stg exchange rate, relative to the past few years, is reasonably favourable at the moment at £/€1.13 (it was £/€1.11 at 03/02/23)
I would not be convinced that my bank would offer me the optimum exchange rate / transaction fees.
Does anyone know where the best deal would be on this value of exchange?
Many thanks.
There are lots of places that will do big conversions but I wouldn't give up on your bank (unless it is LLoyds :( ).
I would ask them for their best offer and it will go to the forex desk - that will show you what they could achieve. Barclays as an example..... smaller transactions are done by Barclays Bank Limited. Larger TRX by Barclays International - two very different orgs with different fee structures.
Compare what they offer you with revolut they have cracking rates and it will give you a feel for what is in the market