MarkSp;252410 wrote:
2. Market cap weighted indexes that are completely skewed to a handful of shares. If you don't hold them and they are flying you won't beat the index. If you do, you might as well buy a tracker.
I still think that there should be caps on general indexes like FT100 and S&P500 to stop them becoming unrepresentative
By definition, indexes will be dominated by large companies. The level of dominance will come down to how fast these companies grew in their industries. In the past some grew quickly due to M&A but is difficult nowadays due to anti trust laws.
Tech is a bit of an outlier as a few companies grew quickly organically.
For example, Apple enjoys 75% of smartphone industry profits. In any other industry, these profits would be split among many more companies. Are you saying an investor shouldnt take part in 75% of profits in an industry? Thats an active strategy you are following by suggesting one should only invest in companies that earn 25% of profits.
In effect, you are saying you dont want to invest in smartphone, wearables and search ads industries. And thats just Apple and Alphabet.