Existing thread here which includes comments from current and former holders OP;
The mid cap thing is weird, it hasn't been a mid cap fund for ages and marketing it as such is very misleading. Kind of thing I'd have thought should get pulled up by a compliance team or something!
I imagine they used to run a mid cap/unknown company/small number of holdings strategy and as AUM has grown they've had to (a) go up the market cap size and (b) increase the number of holdings.
We've seen with Royal London Global Equity Select electing to soft close at £900mn that even in the IA Global space a concentrated strategy (30 odd stocks) that isn't just picking the mega caps does have capacity limits before the strategy gets diluted.
Rathbone Global Opportunities is almost 4 x that size at £3.5bn, so they've probably just kept changing their strategy to keep those lovely fees rolling in from investors rather than sticking to what made them good in the first place.
As per comments in the thread linked above it's an out and out bet on growth. There is no idiosyncratic alpha generated away from the factor, it's 100% reliant on growth stocks doing well. If growth is doing well the fund will do well, if growth isn't doing well the fund won't do well. That's not what I personally want from my active managers.