We have been here before with the Covid scam, tell the public lies through the MSM and especially the BBC. The BBC (which like the NHS) remains for too many an untouchable paragon of undeniable truth while it pumps out unquestioned lies and propaganda into the minds of the unthinking masses.
https://www.conservativewoman.co...s-the-temperature-books/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/heal...change-making-BLIND.htmlA comment by budgie on the CW article seems to say it well...
Quote:The Met Office seems to be part of a great swathe of organisations whose sole purpose is to inconvenience the rest of us whilst charging us for their privilege. NGOs, local government, civil service, charities, foundations, government, all engage in the practice. It's known as 'rent seeking' - where practitioners leverage their own income and consequence without creating any benefits or wealth to society. This is now a major political scam run by the woke and the left at the expense of the rest of us.
We are being fed a diet of lies and what Feynman would call cargo cult science designed to engender fear, suppress any questioning through intimidation, and quietly rob us of our lives, our freedoms, any small wealth we deign to have remaining, and suck ever more public money into the ‘rent seeking’ institutions persuing their self promoting vested interests.