ANDREW FOSTER;274031 wrote:Jonathan Friend;274030 wrote:
What evidence is there of over population?
Because the rate of rise of population is unsustainable. I don't mean over a few decades I mean over the next 200 years.
Unused land is of little use if it's tundra or ice sheets or desert sands or snow covered pine forest.
What undeveloped
useable land is available is small, without chopping down the remaining rain forest that produces our oxygen.
200,000 extra new consumers every day cannot go on indefinitely.
People have been saying that for hundreds of years.
We cannot forsee what ingenuity will arise in future and help to realise vast new resources and ways to inhabit and cultivate more regions of the earth, and beyond.
A person of 200 years ago would find our world and achievements completely incomprehensible - images and moving film that can flow through the air, contraptions that carry a thousand people into the clouds and cross the globe in hours, buildings that soar into the sky, apparently limitless food and luxury.
There is every chance that progress carries on apace, if allowed to as it previously was. You and I will find the future, 200 years hence, incomprehensible.
In any case, it is in our nature as living organisms to keep surviving and pushing on regardless, or it is in the nature of the winners to do so. What is the alternative, to die out through choice? Those who have balls, strength and ambition will win. We in the West can be as pessimistic and negative as we like, the other countries and tribes will carry on, as China and India are doing, and the winners will call the shots.
It goes to show how pathetic this declining civilization has become that the dominant message is one of hopelessness and despair. Inventing intellectual detritus that dresses up weakness and cowardice as virtue. Chris Packham describes his thoughts as "a great, hopeless vacuum." An ideal spokesman for the climate tripe and a true representative of the state we're in. Thankfully, the universe doesn't reward such misery.
I prefer to be positive and play the game. The alternative is a depressive losing approach.
May the best and strongest win, and three cheers to those who do!