You DEFINITELY need legal advice.
If there are dependent children, you could get more than half of the house. I had 80%, with three children.
We used a mediator, who managed to expose a few anomalies, explained everything sensibly and managed to convince my ex he had to pay x amount of maintenance and settle for 20% of the house. His pensions were my leverage there - I didn't go after his, (mine's worth more than his anyway, lol.)
One of the oddest things was that the x found out I didn't earn as much as he thought. He knew the hours I worked, and how much I was paid and it's simple maths to put the two together but he for some reason couldn't do it. Explains our marriage, I guess.
And he lied, too, about an inheritance. But I don't mind, he also locked himself into a 10 year 10% mortgage (in 2007) so I really REALLY do have the last laugh, as I bought Apple shares then at 63¢ a share with £2400 I should have spent on a boiler.
They went through $130 a few months ago.
Mwa ha ha ha haaaa ....