ANDREW FOSTER;283224 wrote:MBA MBA;283213 wrote:ANDREW FOSTER;283183 wrote:Mere tinkering...
I would like to see some really bold things done. Just a few ideas :-
Abolish high rate allowance on pensions.
Abolish VAT completely. Increase Income Tax to compensate.
Abolish Inheritance tax.
Somehow increase levels of tax allowance to UK manufacturing and production. Maybe via something similar to Venture Capital allowances.
Fund tuition fees for science, engineering, technology courses at University, tied though to working in the UK for ten years after graduation.
Scrap the push towards EV's and other green nonsense that has destroyed heavy industry. Get rid of ULEZ's etc.
Of course, no UK government has the courage to tackle such big matters.
Do you mean higher rate tax relief on pension contributions? That’s the only way PAYE employees can undertake tax avoidance. Their self employed, incorporated, Partnership counter parts have multiple tax avoidance opportunities
I'm all for closing tax loopholes and it encourages them to spend more in the economy earlier.
As with VAT it is a regressive tax benefit if that makes sense.
It’s not a loophole, it’s deliberately designed to encourage people to save. The unintended consequence will also be that more money will be redirected into property fuelling HPI
People who earn £75-125k already pay punishing taxes. Someone on £109k Pa will pay £38.5k jn income tax alone this year and that’s before we start talking about council tax, capital gains tax etc but much more fundamentally the woeful nature of public services (health and esp schools) which all seem to be designed for a one size fits all lowest common denominator / dumbed down / take it or leave it model.
Meanwhile the couple living next door to us in a housing association property in their mid 20’s with 3 kids, who don’t appear to work, have a £30k car parked on the adjacent road with a disability badge will sweep up most of that £38.5k income tax. The folk on £109k will be incentivised to leave the Uk / not come here and you’ll propagate the couple with the 3 kids so they become the majority….then there will be no money to pay anyone.
Not being one for virtue signalling, if I can’t put money in my SIPP and avoid 40% income tax I will go part time and reduce my income.
I think Lab will reduce the generosity pension tax relief but I don’t think they’ll scarp higher rate relieve altogether - too many liberal leftie elites have generous pensions themselves.