Tim D;284016 wrote:Neminem Laedit;283975 wrote:Tim D;283971 wrote:Understand Bernie Madoff
Understand the Beanie Baby Bubble
Understand Charles Ponzi
Understand Railway Mania
Understand The South Sea Bubble
Understand The Mississippi Scheme
Understand Tulip Mania
...and you'll understand Bitcoin and the rest of the crypto world perfectly.
Epically, Epochally
WRONG for 15 years, but still posting the same old.
But.. Hey, It's a free country...
I don't need to convince you of ANYTHING, for me to be rich... But you absolutely do! Well, not me specifically - you've obviously got no chance here - but your future ability to cash out your crypto wealth
entirely depends on you and the rest of your hodler clan convincing subsequent waves of suckers to buy your digital beanie babies from you at higher prices than you paid for them.
And the evidence is that you understand that very well: witness the constant need to come back and evangelize any time it looks like the scam is building a bit of momentum again. Noone does that for their Tesla/Apple/Microsoft etc stocks or their Fundsmith holding etc... so it's a big red flag for a pump-and-dump scheme when someone does start acting like that.
As usual, 180 degrees wrong and delusional.
It's not me who has a constant need to do anything. If I'd mentioned Fundsmith or Tesla, etc., rational people would just note it, maybe do their own research, or move on... Perhaps at least acknowledge the sensational returns to date. [Bitcoin knocks them both into a cocked-hat, of course]
Only Bitcoin seems to attract swivel-eyed, foaming-at-the-mouth naysayers who, kamikaze-like, are determined to throw themselves under the wheels of the greatest investment in the history of the world.
15 years and counting, the evidence demonstrates beyond peradventure that you are epically and epochally WRONG in your beliefs.
But that's OK, you have a right to be wrong. The more you demonstrate your wrongness, the more Bitcoin (on this thread, and in the real world) goes up!
Do carry on...