Neminem Laedit;284205 wrote:
You could have got in @$15.5k less than 12 months ago.
or 64,400 two years ago and be down 47%.
The long term chart of bitcoin resembles a classic bubble.
It peaked with the 'everything bubble' in late 2021 and is far from ever breaching that level again.
The recent uptrend doesn't convince me of anything as a long term investor. The fundamentals of global adoption remain elusive. Its a niche hobby speculation, irrelevant to the wider economy.
These post bubble rises are common if you study the history of bubbles. The measure isn't where it bottomed 12 months ago, the measure is where it peaked and whether it will ever regain that. Bubbles rarely do, or they take a couple of decades to regain (i.e. the Nasdaq after 2000).
If you hold long enough you may get back above 64,400 with a second innings in 10 years or so, or more likely it fizzles out further from having any relevance to society.