Here are my transactions in Hargreaves Lansdown for September

A quiet month as I get more confident of letting the 50:50 asset allocation do it's thing, thus tinkering less
On the transactions thread I wrote at the time about the switches from Money Market Funds to ERNS in September so won't repeat it here. And I remain happy to be in short term gilts (2 years and less) for now.
My latest feeling is that I will be using income received to nudge equities or non-equities back to their 50% level as that income arises. I think I would likely only
sell to rebalance if / when something more significant happens with equities and the position gets to more like 55% : 45% say.
So for as long as global equities continue in this sideways pattern, I plan to nudge and nurdle here and there using income received. It's a bit dull but I'm coming to appreciate the smoother ride.
I remain interested in my portfolio of individual stocks, the progress of which is anything but smooth. Here is performance to date since September 2012 when I bought my first individual stock ......

For context, the share portfolio is roughly 10% of our overall wealth (inc house) and I haven't added any new capital to it since April 2022.
I won't add any new capital until I can justify it i.e. come up with a convincing thesis as to why my approach might outperform VWRL. Same goal as when I started this thread just over 3 years ago, I still enjoy the challenge.