NoMoreKickingCans;291616 wrote:Professor Richard Betts just appeared on Channel 4 News spouting out climate catastrophe nonsense. Claiming scientific certainties where none exist.
Preceeded by a long piece on drugs in Sierra Leone.
Nothing like cheering people up with some positive news. I don’t see why either of these news items has anything to do with me, or why they are news items I need to be shown. The overall impression is always that the British viewer is somehow responsible for all ills around the globe.
It's basically a tiny minority of lefty liberal goons - sorry, intellectuals - talking to each other, and themselves. They are completely and utterly detached from normal British life and the concerns and interests of ordinary people. They also seem to think it is necessary to educate others about their idiotic tastes and views. See Dr Who and other forms of demented, out of touch "entertainment." Or the way black people - specifically - must be shoehorned into every television production, advert, historical drama, etc. They seem to have decided it is de rigeur for some reason, although it could just be a job creation scheme. Socialists are like that, they enjoy designating things in strange ways that have meaning in terms of their eccentric values, but bear no relation to reality at all. Like building new cities in the middle of nowhere, which nobody wants to live in or go to.