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Climate Change - The Agenda
Anthony French
Posted: 19 January 2024 09:41:28(UTC)

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I hope all the climate change fanatics are sitting at home
wearing an overcoat because as there has been very little wind
they would be contributing to global warming by burning gas
including charging their electric cars.
If your weather is the weather u see out of your window
I can confirm Global Warming hasn't arrived here yet.

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NoMoreKickingCans on 19/01/2024(UTC), Jonathan Friend on 19/01/2024(UTC)
Posted: 19 January 2024 09:51:03(UTC)

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NoMoreKickingCans;293072 wrote:
Arctic Sea Ice highest for 21 years...

And so now the response is to start adjusting the past data to keep the narrative going...

‘Melting’ Greenland has lost 1 trillion more tons of ice than thought...

Australia just had their coldest recorded winter, Glen Innes in NSW registered a minimum temperature of -10.8C on July 20 2023.

South Pole Amundsen-Scott station just recorded a record lowest 6 month period since records began 150 years ago.

Global warming ???
5 users thanked guantou for this post.
NoMoreKickingCans on 19/01/2024(UTC), Jay P on 19/01/2024(UTC), Dexi on 19/01/2024(UTC), Jonathan Friend on 19/01/2024(UTC), stephen_s on 19/01/2024(UTC)
Posted: 19 January 2024 10:29:46(UTC)

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Well this is ultimately the narrative for destruction of industry.

Exactly, it is truly terrible. The country is committing hara kiri on the basis of a mythology.

Years ago there was a concept of the National Industrial Base - that for its own security the nation needed to maintain a number of industrial capabilities within its borders. Energy, Steel Making, Munitions, Aerospace etc.

Now we are about to become the only G7 member that can’t even make steel.

Having dismantled its empire the country now seems set on self destruction and impoverishment on the back of a pointless mirage of ‘anthropogenic climate change religion’ virtue seeking. I don’t believe the voting public want any of this - it all seems to flow from some megawealthy people using their wealth to own the media and pushing their own vision of philanthropy (whilst seemingly always further enriching themselves in the process). It needs to be ended.

China laughs, India laughs, Russia laughs.

Within a generation or two we will be a minor nation of non caucasian ethnicity & culture struggling to import essentials with our worthless pounds.
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Jonathan Friend
Posted: 19 January 2024 20:24:11(UTC)

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There is one last coal burning power station left, currently supplying around 3.5% of our electricity, and it is scheduled to close in September, thanks to the extremists running this country. It will make no difference at all to the global climate. But it will mean we are up shits creek when the wind doesn't blow and the solar panels are covered in snow... and the French decide to ramp up what they charge us for importing from them. This in a country that has a wealth of coal, gas and oil. And for some reason, little desire to use more nuclear.

I don't know about others, but my energy bills are three times higher than they were a few years ago. Every single household in the land is paying to subsidise this green energy scam. Absolutely scandalous. Only one political party proposes scrapping Net Zero.
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jonathan rowe
Posted: 20 January 2024 10:09:50(UTC)

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guantou;293221 wrote:
NoMoreKickingCans;293072 wrote:
Arctic Sea Ice highest for 21 years...

And so now the response is to start adjusting the past data to keep the narrative going...

‘Melting’ Greenland has lost 1 trillion more tons of ice than thought...

Australia just had their coldest recorded winter, Glen Innes in NSW registered a minimum temperature of -10.8C on July 20 2023.

South Pole Amundsen-Scott station just recorded a record lowest 6 month period since records began 150 years ago.

Global warming ???

Climate change increases the chances of extremes in both directions
Jonathan Friend
Posted: 20 January 2024 10:40:16(UTC)

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jonathan rowe;293305 wrote:
guantou;293221 wrote:
NoMoreKickingCans;293072 wrote:
Arctic Sea Ice highest for 21 years...

And so now the response is to start adjusting the past data to keep the narrative going...

‘Melting’ Greenland has lost 1 trillion more tons of ice than thought...

Australia just had their coldest recorded winter, Glen Innes in NSW registered a minimum temperature of -10.8C on July 20 2023.

South Pole Amundsen-Scott station just recorded a record lowest 6 month period since records began 150 years ago.

Global warming ???

Climate change increases the chances of extremes in both directions

Guantou used the expression "global warming", which is still being used to describe an alleged crisis of our making, although the UN recently upgraded the scare to "global boiling" as I recall. You have then switched to a completely different expression - climate change - to respond to his post. I will assume this was done in ignorance rather than for purposes of deception.

In any case, to answer your claim: surely it depends on how the climate is changing?

"Increases" versus decreases or no change at all.
"Extremes" versus every state between nothing and that.
"Both directions" as though there are only two.

Your post sounds very simplistic and binary. But don't worry, this seems to be a common trend with this subject, even amongst the generously subsidised experts.

The climate is made up of trillions of cubed inches of air, all constantly behaving in a dynamic way in response to a range of ever changing variables - temperature, pressure, altitude - alongside interactions with and between numerous other factors, from the atomic structures of gasses to the earth's relationship with the Sun.

It is why all the modelling behind "the science" is so pathetically inadequate, why completely opposite claims and hypotheses emerge on a daily basis, and why the matter is very far from being settled.

In the meantime, those of us who like to think about things and prefer to avoid being conned, cannot help noticing the myriad contradictions...
4 users thanked Jonathan Friend for this post.
Guest on 20/01/2024(UTC), guantou on 20/01/2024(UTC), NoMoreKickingCans on 20/01/2024(UTC), Jay P on 20/01/2024(UTC)
Posted: 20 January 2024 11:02:16(UTC)

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jonathan rowe;293305 wrote:
guantou;293221 wrote:
NoMoreKickingCans;293072 wrote:
Arctic Sea Ice highest for 21 years...

And so now the response is to start adjusting the past data to keep the narrative going...

‘Melting’ Greenland has lost 1 trillion more tons of ice than thought...

Australia just had their coldest recorded winter, Glen Innes in NSW registered a minimum temperature of -10.8C on July 20 2023.

South Pole Amundsen-Scott station just recorded a record lowest 6 month period since records began 150 years ago.

Global warming ???

Climate change increases the chances of extremes in both directions

Please enlighten us all:

Is Global Warming the result of Climate Change
Is Climate Change the result of Global Warming
Are they the same thing with different names
Are they completely different issues
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Guest on 20/01/2024(UTC)
Posted: 20 January 2024 11:37:40(UTC)

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Too often data presented is ultra short in terms of geological time. We need to take a step back to get the bigger picture and consider longer periods.
Consider the average earth temperature.

Sometimes a picture can say a thousand words...

Squint a little. Does anyone see a pattern here? A natural pattern?

We can see that the earth was regularly up to 4 degrees above the current 'normal'. Due to the sun and variations in earths orbit. And there is absolutely nothing humankind can do to stop it. Bigger forces are at work. Get used to it...

8 users thanked ANDREW FOSTER for this post.
DIY Investing on 20/01/2024(UTC), Jonathan Friend on 20/01/2024(UTC), guantou on 20/01/2024(UTC), NoMoreKickingCans on 20/01/2024(UTC), Guest on 20/01/2024(UTC), Guest on 20/01/2024(UTC), Jay P on 20/01/2024(UTC), stephen_s on 20/01/2024(UTC)
Posted: 20 January 2024 12:46:34(UTC)

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Seems we are the only country in the G20 that can’t make steel.

We are accelerating back to the dark ages at full pelt with raving idiots at the wheel.

Why would any young person with ambition not emigrate.

Imagine a country where leaders lie to send ordinary people to jail, where the politicians delete records, where politicians steal millions for themselves from the state, where the truth is censored, where the media is controlled, where the law is only available to the super wealthy, where over 10% of the population can’t get medical treatment, where the roads are full of pot holes, where illegal immigrants are given free lawyers, food, accommodation & translation services, where stabbings increase every year, where the death rate is increasing and the birth rate falling. Britain, britain, britain.
4 users thanked NoMoreKickingCans for this post.
Guest on 20/01/2024(UTC), Jay P on 20/01/2024(UTC), Dexi on 20/01/2024(UTC), stephen_s on 20/01/2024(UTC)
Anthony French
Posted: 01 February 2024 10:58:59(UTC)

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ByAlex Croft

A “pandemic of snow” in Alaska is set to continue into the weekend as bleak forecasts predict more blizzards of snow and the lowest temperatures in 15 years with -30C expected.
Record breaking levels of snow in Anchorage, Alaska’s largest city, have caused multiple roofs of commercial buildings to collapse as the city battles the fierce cold weather snap. Officials have strongly recommended that residents in the city shovel snow off the roof of their home, particularly if the building is showing any signs of structural distress - however small.
1 user thanked Anthony French for this post.
guantou on 01/02/2024(UTC)
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