ANDREW FOSTER;296824 wrote:
I have read (though have no opinion) that Bank of Gerorgia is doing well because Russian money is pouring into it out of sanctioned Russian institutions.
Its being used as an intermediary for Russian oil and gas trading.
It's steady climb began in...early 2022 so it would fit that narrative, though no idea if it is true.
If that is indeed the case then any upside could possibly be suddenly terminated if it were to have Western sanctions suddenly applied to it.
The good news could unwind as that money/business is frozen or moves off elsewhere.
When Russia invaded the Ukraine a very large amount of Russians Belarusian and some Ukrainian moved to Georgia transferring there Euros and dollars to Georgian banks. Mainly talking about entrepreneurs in the tech sectors who continued to work from Georgia.
Theses people are yet to move back and of course they may never do.
Also russian continue to use Georgia as a holiday destination.
As an aside the European bank of reconstruction and talking bollocks said the invasion would result in a recession in Georgia... economic growth rose from the normal 6% to 10%.