There is no need to cut interest rates.
UK debt to GDP is irresponsibly high, especially during peace time. But it is not at unprecedented levels.
From 1916 to the early 60s, UK government debt as a percentage of GDP was higher than it is now. After the napoleonic wars it was more the double what it is now. And before ‘71 you couldn’t fudge it, you actually had to pay it down!
OK, maybe the treasury will have to cover £130 billion or so in BoE losses. It should do, seeing as the BoE monetised its debt. But that’s nothing. Look at the tax take, it’s increasing by £70bn - £80bn year on year, the chart looks like a bloody moon stonk!
We have had to take our medicine, cut spending and pay our debts before, we’ll have to do it again. Current generations aren’t special. Inflation has reminded us that, in reality, we can’t wriggle out of this.