No offence but I think it looks a bit messy with a fair bit of duplication. That said, it isn’t the worst portfolio I’ve seen, it won’t get you absolutely destroyed.
Looking at it, it seems you want a core made up of generic market cap weighted index funds, some ‘equity income’ (value exposure), a bit of small cap and a bit of emerging markets. Would that be a fair assessment?
If so, I think that is entirely reasonable, but it doesn’t have to be as complicated or as expensive (lots of active funds just sort of giving you the average minus the high fees).
I reckon you’d benefit from a basic plan, even if it is approximate. Just an example, but looking at you portfolio this might work:
70% global cap weighted (blend)
15% global income (value factor)
7.5% small cap (Size Factor)
7.5% Emerging Markets
You could just use a cheap tracker for each. If you feel better splitting the 70% cap weighted over 2 funds that would work. I might do something like:
35% Fidelity Index World
35% L&G International Index
7.5% Vanguard Global Small Cap Index
7.5% Fidelity Index Emerging Markets
Five funds, lots of cost savings which will compound over time, similar behaviour to your current portfolio.