Since the start of the credit crunch both politicians and the media have reported that the banks are still not lending since they need to re-capitalise. Some uk banks have suffered more than others for example Lloyds/HBOS, Natwest / RBS have been bailed out by the government where as HSBC and Barclays (through clever share issues have raised finance and avoided such government intervention) Firstly, how long will it take for the banks to re-capitalise, what re-capitalisation level do they need and where can you find this information ? Secondly, when they have re-capitalised will they really start lending again since most banks lend money they borrow from the money markets eg LIBOR ? Thirdly, when they do start lending will their lending rates fall ? and finally given that businesses want to borrow and banks are not lending why has the uk not been flooded by foreign banks wanting to lend ? Comments please