I recently had a call from 0117 214 0487, someone calling themselves Sebastian from HL (sebastian.bush@hl-investing.co.uk) offering me fixed bond rates of up to 8.85% for a fixed rate investment.
I have never had any sort of account with HL, but this chap seemed to know all about me.
I'm of the school of thinking that 'if it sounds too good to be true....etc" but I played along and got a really professional and very impressive looking brochure emailed to me.
Next port of call was the actual HL website - needless to say, the emails given were in a different format to those on the HL website.
Here are the scammers details:
enquiries@hl-investing.co.uk or 0117 214 0487
Data Protection Officer, One College Square South, Anchor Rd, Bristol BS1 5HL
I then phoned HL and suggested that they were being used in a scam - they weren't really interested and said that they were probably already aware of this one (without actually asking for details). They did say that they wuld never 'cold call' in this manner. When I pushed, I did get an email so I could forward the existing scam correspondence - I sent the stuff off, only to get a reply "We’d kindly ask that you only use this email address if you need to attach documents, any other emails to this account will not be monitored" and that it would be better if I logged into my account (which I don't have).
I got a 'follow up' call from 'Sebastian' yesterday - when I suggested he might be part of a scam, he hung up on me.
So, I'm not a customer of HL but this atittude to scammers means I won't be a customer of theirs any time soon.
This is a very, very professional scam operation, please take care not to be taken in by it