Rookie Investor;318839 wrote:I did a transfer of equity from my sibling to me (50% share transferred to me). There was also a mortgage on it. Apart from the solicitor fees and some minor lender admin fee, there was no other costs, certainly no SDLT or CGT. It happened 6 months after we bought the property. Value close to £600k. This was back in 2016.
I guess no CGT as potentially no gain in those six months? The SDLT would have depended on what the mortgage value was and half of that would have been the consideration to take into account for SDLT purposes. In 2016 there was a nil rate band for values below £125000. The additional home penalty was introduced in April 2016.
What may have been applicable in your case as it was for me way back in 2012 when another share of a property was transferred to me , is that the property was effectively being held in trust for me. ( I was the only one receiving income and managing the property) For my case it meant I paid no SDLT and there was no CGT liable by disposer. HMRC were okay with that .
Of course I will be liable for the full CGT when I do sell.