Rookie Investor;318972 wrote:
Robert D - don't shoot me I haven't done anything wrong, in fact I have gone above and beyond in my contributions to this country unlike those you think are being screwed over.
Some time ago now, there was one year where I estimated that I paid more in tax than my (albeit it lowly paid) dad had paid throughout his whole working life. Tends to concentrate your mind a little and wonder exactly where your money's going...
More so if, like me, you once happened to be seconded to a, err, "key Government department renowned for appalling inefficiency", to help their bigwigs understand why their projects were costing (or being quoted at) over 2-orders of magnitude more (I kid you not!) than the identikit private-sector projects that we were successfully delivering. You could not make up the mind-blowingly wasteful nonsense observed, hence the absurd costs, nor the resolute resistance by most to change. Anecdotes and reports indicate that things have only gone further downhill since my audit... 🤦
I've little doubt that many of the state's functions could be delivered for a fraction of their current cost, with vast numbers of staff freed up for productive roles that actually generate tax revenues rather than just soak them up, but it'd require substantially dismantling all these bureaucracies, which have evolved through time to now largely serve the needs of the insiders rather than the public, re-engineering them from the ground-up as modern, lean entities.
The tragedy today is that the new Government probably have the political cover to begin this mammoth exercise, but have insufficient will to upset their public sector / union client voters, no real-world insight or experience to bring to bear, and are in any case hamstrung by ideology, preventing pragmatic solutions.
The idea of this current lot that the tax thumbscrews will simply be turned even more on the narrowing cohort who are already paying for everything is just ridiculous. They might as well be running 24hr adverts telling successful people to back right off, kick back, cut their hours, tickover rather than grow, retire early, focus resolutely on the tax tail vs the dog, clear off elsewhere, etc etc etc.
"Show me the incentives and I'll show you the outcome". Utter donkeys.