An annoying overreaction considering the financial numbers are not
in any way indicating a profits warning,
They were 138p when I bought mine in about 2015 and I would have bought more
but I still remembered the nasty diversification into CityLink and Initial towels,
plus Mr 10% Clive, a previous CEO -
I assume the 2ndary drop of 4% was caused by auto stop loss trading and not people
actually making a decision to sell ??.
The world is getting warmer, pest infections can only get worse and now that the
world has returned to travelling and staying in hotels and going on cruises then I cant
see demand dropping. The US market is different, there is a termite problem over there
and property owners have to treat the ground around their boundaries regularly.
I'll buy some more next week to make up for not reinvesting dividends in more
RTO stock over the past 8 years.