If you consider how bad the risk-adjusted returns of individual stocks are, then add a clunky form of leverage, that I don't think has been explained in this thread yet (leveraging a daily return means sequence of returns is going to add a layer of chaos to things), I don't think there's any way to argue this improves risk-adjusted returns.
The way to tilt against individual stock growth speculation would be to add something like WisdomTree Global Quality Dividend Growth, and because you've probably de-risked your equity exposure a little, you could increase your allocation to equities.
Hedgefundie on Bogleheads did a detailed analysis of using daily leveraged stock and bond market ETFs to generate a higher risk-adjusted return than unleveraged stocks. But even with a lot of good work, it went wrong immediately. It hit the one period in decades in which stock and bond prices crashed together. And that's not uncommon, because these things happen all the time, but what you think is a good idea now is based on what hasn't happened in a while.