That was my understanding based on stories like
(or paywall bypass at )
Of course if investors hadn't participated/funded the legal teams, it's possible nothing would have happened at all. Also worth noting that in UK law there isn't really the same concept of a "class action" like there is in the US, and it's entirely possible if things had played out differently then only signed-up participants in the case would have got anything back.
I got a pittance back too (this is an instance where I'm very glad of my atomized PF and that I never subscribed to the too-many-holdings-police's "no holding less than 5%" dogma), and there was a communication from the lawyers that they'd bill me in due course. But so far I've heard nothing further (unless there's been a sneaky debit from my SIPP - where the units were held and where the "compensation" was paid - I haven't noticed, or the compensation was actually paid net). What's prompted this topic being resurrected now? Are they now asking for their fee?