Elspeth Beaton;324295 wrote:Some thoughts as the dust settles!
Have been happily living tax free off my ISAs until now and letting those inheritance tax free SIPPs accumulate
Done a new inheritance tax assessment and a liability has now arisen of £200000+
So thinking of taking the max income out of the SIPPs up to the 20% tax threshold-paying the tax hit and spending the extra over and above the required yearly drawings on gifts to kids,gracious living etc
Still kicking ideas about
Could continue living tax free off my ISAs but try to reduce their total by £200000-could be a better way forward?
As we are of the same generation, I've been thinking along similar lines.
It obviously depends on what other sources of income you have (state pensions, DB pensions), but I only have the state pension, so am aware that using up all the ISA funds quickly could lead me to have to pay 40% tax on SIPP income later on.
So I will probably combine drawing down ISAs and SIPP.
Another options (or complementary option) is to make the grandchildren beneficiaries of the SIPP (currently aged 3 & 5, so unlikely to be earning for a while yet).
That way they could draw down an income up to the income tax allowance limit, which could be moved by their parents into child ISAs and general savings for university.
It'll take a while to work out the possibilities!