Stephen B.;325275 wrote:D Bergman;325269 wrote:As I mentioned in another thread, I think that unless HMRC issues much more detailed guidance (and probably a few court decisions come up) this will be a mess for years to come!
The rules on gifts aren't new so presumably there already is a fair amount of case law which specialist tax lawyers should know. However, judging by the reaction in these threads there will suddenly be a lot of new gifting to reduce the amount in pensions, so it wouldn't be especially surprising if the rules get changed if it looks like a lot of the expected tax revenue is going to vanish. Also the whole area of PETs is a target for reform - as it stands someone with assets of 20 million can give away 17 million IHT free as long as they live 7 years and still have enough for a reasonable life, which has always looked anomalous.
The rules are not new, as you say, but the issue of using income from SIPPs seems to be new - after all, there was no reason to gift moneys from SIPPs when there was no IHT applied to them.
As I have found out, HMRC guidance does not mention how Pension Drawdown or UFPLS are treated (pure income or mixture of income & return of capital) for the purpose of gifting from income.
And my attempts to get a more precise advice from HMRC has not succeeded.
If they do issue clearer guidance it will make our lives easier, but I'm not holding my breath.
On the PET issue, I decided not to wait and gifted £250K from my GIA recently, and have taken out a 7-year term life insurance for £100K, payable in trust to my beneficiary, to cover IHT in case I don't survive the seven years.