andy mac;327829 wrote:I want to pay money into my grandsons JISAwith Fundsmith
Can I do it directly or do I need to dp it via my son
If it is via my sone how does it sit with regard to HMFC
I tried AI on the Findmith site didnt get an answer
Tried phoning and I got asked for an account number - not sure if it was mine my sons or gradson
I see I didnt have an account number which seemed to confuse the person answering
They said it had to be done by the adult on the JISA
I wondered if and relatives have paid into a JSA
Thanking you in advance for replies
Depends on provider
1) Some allow third party contributions
2) Some require only the named individual on the account to put in monies (parent/guardian or Child)
3) Some only allow child to put in monies.
Me - I done it via all three
For one I have to give the parent the monies and they have to input it as their system. records the bank details of the payee.
For another I get the details from the child (as a unique reference is created for ever adhoc input) and then use the details to put in monies.
For another the bank details and reference in consistent so I just use them and it hits the account every time.
Never tried with FS (slowly moving away from FS direct)