AlanP2;330405 wrote:From my limited reading US and other major economies government bond yields have also risen as the bond vigilantes start to play so it isn't a UK specific issue.
As for having made a capital loss surely that is only crystalised if you sell? I would have thought most people buying a 2030 bond would be planning on holding until maturity and getting back exactly what they expected.
I could be totally wrong about either or both of these points as I don't follow macro / monetary policies that closely and don't understand bonds that much so have never purchased one directly.
UK yields have risen more. There is backdrop of rising yields but the UK is a bit of an outlier. BOE is still selling its long dated gilts as well adding more pressure.
You are of course right about the capital loss, i'm sure it looks painful to those with long bonds but the income still keeps coming in. (assuming you didn't buy in the 0% era...!)