This one is for those of us who 'get' non linkers but now want to understand linkers and anyone kind enough to help us (thank you).
This post is motivated by my altered strategy of selling down holdings in multi asset funds in favour of uk gilts, mainly in ISA (some in GIA), to offset a very large mortgage without actually paying down the mortgage.
Someone kindly shared this website, cant recall who, possibly the great
Tim D...
Inflatoin Linked Gilts yieldgimpOn the above website what do the following mean (please talk to me as i am a lay person / dummy):
1. 'breakeven RPI growth'
3. Index ratio
4 Yield 'real' (this the interest rate, right? ie RPI + the yield)
5. Implied RPI at maturity
If I buy TR28...6) is the annual return (as RPI stands at present) the figure of 3.92% in 'breakeven RPI growth'?
7) If yes to 6, is that the case even if I buy at 98.93?
8) And the yield is RPI plus 0.43%, right?
9) How is RPI calculated? ONS? And is it a rolling average every month of set once a year ie on Jan 1 2025 ONS says RPI is 4% so that's the static figure used for another 12 months.