Recently, every spare pound has gone towards mortgage overpayments. Debt now stands at £17,250. Around 15 months remain. It feels great.
My original plan was to pay it off by Xmas with further overpayments. Bye bye mortgage. Hello freedom. Very much an emotive desire rather than an optimum financial decision.
My ISA AUM is low. I do want to walk away from The Man in c. 7 years' time. ISAs need to form part of my retirement strategy. With mortgage plus overpayments plus university costs plus life costs, the chance of fully contributing to my ISA in 2025-26 is remote.
The period Jan 2026 to Mar 2026 will not see me magic £20K to fill my allowance. £5K is more realistic. Mortgage will be gone but a year of full ISA contribution is lost.
What to do? Two options as I see it.
Option 1
Stay laser focused. Smack it out the park by Xmas. Gone. Focus on life and maxing out annual ISA from 2026-27 onwards. With overpayment charges after 10% allowance (2% until Jun then 1% for remaining year of mortgage) and an interest rate of 4.69% on my 2yr deal, it will cost c.£480 to clear it this year.
Option 2
Continue to put every spare pound into my mortgage until 2025-26 tax year. I've forecast I can bring it down to £12K. Then extend the term to 5yrs. Monthly payments reduce to between £215 and £225 on an interest rate between 3.75% and 5% over 5yrs. Interest costs of c.£1,300. Due to being so small and over 5 years, the actual mortgage rate is fairly insignificant. Contribute fully to ISA for 2025-26 / each year forward.
I don't think there is a right or wrong. Option 1 will be frustrating short-term but rewarding. Option 2 will cost me £800 more in interest compared to Option 1 but will allow me to invest £15K more (the £20K allowance minus the £5K I can do) next tax year.
What thoughts? Anyone else in the same boat? Am I over complicating things? Classic case of muppetry?