Rookie Investor;331183 wrote:It sounds like Sara's case is more about outright fraud as opposed to contractors simply not performing. The latter might be hard or impossible to pursue in terms of claim as likely the contractor would have used a ltd company, plus the burden of proof is with the consumer.
But with fraud I guess it can be perused through avenues like trading standards and he claim is directly with the offender as opposed to a ltd company. But as Sara has found out, it is going to be still challenging if it requires more effort or dependent on court systems etc.
If there is a ban for 5 years, surely that is a conviction of fraud already in place? Would that not mean that is should be quite straightforward to pursue the financial compensation given the offender is sitting on a 7 figure amount? Surely this can be dealt with in court within the next year or so? At the very least freeze assets so they can not be given away or hidden anywhere (BTC lol)?
And 5 year ban??! Why not a ban until the point he has repaid every penny to everyone he has defrauded?
Thanks Rookie, and bearcub. Yes, I think it is effectively fraud or they wouldn't have suggested that a custodial sentence was a possibility. He hasn't actually been banned - they have accepted his undertaking that he won't be a director of a firm in that period. They say it isn't within their gift to strike him off as a director - that can only happen as part of the insolvency proceedings.
Sadly we weren't given the option of joining the queue to go through the courts - it is for Trading Standards to decide whether they wish to pursue it, and they clearly can't be bothered, even though there is evidence (lots of it) to support a case. It's ironic that you can get banged up for so many seemingly trivial things these days, but (what I consider to be) more serious stuff isn't a priority.
I will find out what I can about how / whether the formal undertaking will be monitored. I just don't want to waste my time getting into an arrangement where he is supposed to pay £10 per month (or whatever) and have to keep chasing it myself, and be dependent on his willingness to keep up payments. It would take too much energy - I'd almost rather write it all off, as I pretty much had done already.