Rookie Investor;332201 wrote:Can anyone who has read the article and at least agrees with it somewhat, explain what on earth is this "standard measure of fair value"? And then this so called "adjusted" measure, how it is calculated? Do people actually believe this shit?
I mean this adjusted fair value seems like a cop-out, either it is fair value or it is not, don't adjust for things just because you do not want to look stupid!!! Yeah tech companies has changed quality of earnings, but so what? What kind of analysis is this?
Honestly I do not see why people think these sorts of 0-value added articles should not be criticised, the problem is naive people will read it as gospel and act on it. it scares people off investing without proper thought.
Learn about asset allocation, your risk tolerance, your need to take risk and all that good stuff. But lets not pretend these articles are in any way useful to judge value - they are not.
IMO no one has the ability to tell you what fair value is and also no one I knows has the ability to work out asset allocation/risk tolerance to add value. Remember also you will tend to be behind the curve and therefore tend to underperform..
The marketing departments and FMs etc. will be happy to provide all with there guesses as to the next day to say 10/20 years times. Remember the past is no indication of the future and shares can go down as well as up.
Not sure how you can measure YOUR risk tolerance with out being part of the herd which leads you into fear and greed mode.