This I thought was a interesting and a viewpoint.
"Uk is a poor village with a rich city called london"
"Poor Country - Rich City"
We need to focus on more than London - is probably a good start even though I do and have benefited from London and surroundings. Some kind of diversification apart from one sole industry would be another good start.
The place to start would be a collaborative approach - governments need to give some runway and provide opportunities for people and businesses to be creative not be bogged down with rules, regulations, and generally holding them back.
Education is very important that I agree, however I do not believe that we need or should facilitate a course for everything and anything and label it as education. Houses, infrastructure, buildings, reservoirs were built without everyone including the doorman of a hotel needing a leisure and tourism degree for example.
Nor did we need such a huge civil service, MP's, attache's etc during our industrial revolution or even when we had a mighty empire. We could communicate across the globe faster at that time that we can requisition a pencil, paper, envelopes and postage stamp. Forget about the notion of someone coming in to fix keyboard which has stopped working. That would be an extra 6 steps and two weeks wait.
An effective place to start in the short term is to place emphasis on apprenticeships, coupled with lower taxation and incentives for Micro companies) - encourage this as opposed to giving. breaks to large corps and get the country productive again. The tax revenues will start coming as will progress.
Aim the focus on companies which produce physical products - there are plenty of advisers for the govt, whether it is to help people getting back into work, advising on NHS trust, consulting ministers on policy changes - we have plenty of them.