ANDREW FOSTER;335850 wrote:More climate bollox...
Heat pumps are a total joke and the public is quickly realising it. Only for the gullible.
I'm kinda curous though. What schemes the UK is going to do to actually lower the CO2 in the environment.
I mean things like planes and agriculture are going to be churning it out. What exactly is on the other side of the coin. Other than growing trees which has a finite effect.
I just don't get what the plan is even.
From that article:
"For electric vehicles, the market is already pretty much at parity with internal combustion engine vehicles, so we think just naturally that will start to be a choice people make," Emma Pinchbeck, chief executive of the CCC, told the BBC's Today programme.
What utter tosh (and that's being polite).
They are significantly more expensive to buy and depreciate like a stone.
If you can't charge at home, the fuel costs are significantly higher (I saw somewhere where someone had worked out that running a car using public chargers equated to around 22mpg.
That loses the case for EV without even considering issues such as higher tyre wear, higher insurance costs, suggestions that there is a higher fire risk, pathetic range, poor charging infrastructure in the more rural areas and so forth.
Heat pumps make EVs look good!