David1965;334166 wrote:Neminem Laedit;334038 wrote:Are you buying on this news?
I have enough.
BTC has already made me a millionaire. I only need to hold (HODL) to be worth >$10m in the next 10 years.
But it's still early, considering BTC will go to $1m, and then $10m per coin...
I hold BTC, ETH, XRP, TRX and SOL in trading accounts. Are there still ways to get crypto in an ISA or SIPP wrapper? Have you set any price points in the future where you may take profits? Thanks.
No direct way of holding in ISA/SIPP since the FCA banned anyone in the UK from holding the European ETNs, such as BTCetc, in early 2021 (I got in before the doors closed).
You are left with MSTR or other bitcoin proxies if you want to put it in an ISA/SIPP.
After searching for something which took account of the Utility Value of Money and offered a designer withdrawal schedule, I discovered the superb TPAW Planner (see thread under "Retirement").
That tells me that a wealth of £2.5-3m is the sweet spot (at least for my circumstances), which is pretty-much bullet proof, insensitive to AA, and can generate an initial withdrawal of around £200k pa, which is plenty much for anyone. The only wrinkle is the UK tax system, which I have no intention of subsidising, and intend to emigrate to somewhere like Cyprus, which has no CGT and a flat 5% income tax.
So in practice, I won't wait 10 years for the $10m. I will start selling perhaps later this year, aged 60, if BTC reaches $200k+. I expect I will still hold some BTC in 2029 and 2032, capping my wealth at around £5m.
But everyone is different, depending on your age, how many BTC you have, and when you got in...