equity strategy tracks the MSCI ACWI IMI Equity index, covering a broad church of large-, mid-, and small-cap stocks across global markets. The fund provides exposure to approximately 99% of the global investible equity universe, to counteract the dominance of US mega-caps in conventional indices.
L&G’s new
fixed income product is positioned to provide diversification away from the traditional global aggregate indices. Tracking the Bloomberg Multiverse 500MM B3+ Custom Index, the fund blends global high-yield assets, investment-grade (IG) bonds, and emerging market local currency debt.
The final addition targets infrastructure companies through the Solactive L&G
Climate Enhanced Infrastructure Index, with priority given to firms with strong environmental credentials. The fund seeks initially to cut carbon intensity in half, with an investable universe including utility, transportation and telecommunications firms in developed markets.
‘With concentration risk challenges for equity portfolios and pressures on inflation and bond yields, we have seen demand increase for more tailored exposure to both equity and credit markets,’ said L&G Asset Management’s head of UK Wholesale Ben Cherrington.