MBA MBA;334438 wrote:I just learnt today a colleague who was going to retire in five years is going to retire in April because of the imposition of IiHT on pensions. He wants to start withdrawing the money down at £50k pa. He’s one of these people who is the only person in the organisation who can do his job. Replacing him will be hard.
I wonder how many doctors and senior public sector professionals will call it a day sooner.
Let’s not even think about highly successful entrepreneurs. Oh well we can all live off the state
Exactly the unintended consequences the Comrades just can't conceive. Or do, but see it as a price worth paying to further their dream.
What was the collective response to millionaires and billionaires leaving the Country? "Good riddance', the lunatics crowed.
What was the State response to anger over Two Tier policing and withholding of information? 'Far-right thugs' whines the Great leader. 'Criminals' conclude the Home Office before any attempt at due process.
There's something very inhuman about Socialism in that it won't even try to understand, nor work with, or even benefit from, basic human instincts.
Instead, it beats, bludgeons and demands everyone conform to some bleak, 'equitable', 'fair' fantasy, all meted out by an overweaning State. God, it is so depressing.
it has never worked, anywhere, ever, and yet still the infantile cling to it. As do the lazy, the cretinous, the truly antisocial, the criminals, the retarded, and frankly the losers.
Believe me, I have NO instinct to leave these people a penny more than I can get away with. Not one penny. Stuff them. The contract is broken. And the State did that, not me.
Enough will have been given to the kids before we both die (barring the truly unexpected), and the rest has already been promised to certain charities - education, second chance, young offenders, children with cancer, all as International as possible - to deny the State anything at all.