Just sharing my recent dashboard update for LifeStrategy 60%
The holdings year on year are very similar

And here a summary of fund performance since launch in June 2011

The way I look at this table is that if you are going to hold this fund you might reasonably expect over the long term that your return will average 7% per annum and that at the extremes the outcomes could be about +/- 3% per annum of this - see shaded cells in the bottom right hand corner.
In saying this, I understand that the fund has existed during a great time for equities. However, if you held a sufficient number of years of cash for expenses you can avoid being a forced seller in a market crash?
It would seem to me that as a base case if you only held this fund together with say 10 years of expenses you could reasonably model the investment in this fund at 5% or 6% going forward with some margin of safety.
Context: I model forward at 3%, have 6 years of expenses in cash and am currently 48% equity. I am (very) gradually lifting the equity % up, it was 42% at one point last year for example.