Wave Action;334789 wrote:Most of the RED years on page 10 in 60/40 table are a mirror image of SP 500 stock falls again in RED. Realistically if the markets fall10% then 60/40 will be a 6% fall. Bonds would have to take up the slack .

Most bond years are in single figures. Just got to accept a few bad years that's the nature of the game.

As a retiree with 20 years+ of drawdown payments to come, my question is whether it is more effective to go
a) 4 years of MM/STFI to cover immediate cash and the rare 2-3 years down years in a row, balance in equities or
b) 1 year cash and balance 60/40, which means the downs won't be as down but the more frequent ups won't go as high
I appreciate there have been decades where gilts have outperformed but this is not '74 and interest rates are not 8%. As I have been told, we must start from today.
And if the answer is "it's whatever let's you sleep at night", that's fine.