I believe I was probably the biggest promoter of HSBC and STAN here last year, I did consistently mention the rationale with each post! It's not just banks but payment systems, insurance companies, and other financial institutions that handle large amounts of cash and benefit from
net treasury income (NTI) are thriving. I think they can also skim off a greater spread in revenue from the interest rate when lending. With interest rates expected to remain higher for longer even after the cutting cycle, these services are performing exceptionally well and are still valued attractively, with rates unlikely to return to zero.
However, you may blame me and others if they tank in a recession so consider investing in a diversified world tracker that has 15% in financials, or even 30% if you choose VHYL. This strategy can give you an advantage over many here, as most actives are underweight in this sector. Financials provide a nice diversifier for the macro outlook of high rates, strong economy and de-regulation in the US.
Sector performance is steady daily:
Bull case from Polar Capital Global Financials Trust plc:
Find this sector stuffy and boring? There should be anticipation for several UK bank IPOs this year. What could be a better time for financials to go public? For more information, follow the Private Equity thread.