Neminem Laedit;334894 wrote: If you have a UK state pension and eligible for a S1 and your partner if younger can also piggyback it
Same as Spain
EDIT.. married partner, I have had numerous friends who are having to remarry in Gibraltar as their Las Vegas and others, marriages cannot be certified as the records get deleted after 6 years .. bizarre I know.. In Spain all documents have to be less than three months old,ie new copies of marriage certificates etc
And on a S1 there are no problems with existing conditions, private medical insurance with no copays will bar existing conditions.. In our situation we have seven years to go
It is annoying as I (ex rugby amateur stopped playing 32 years ago ,) have had surgeries on my nose, shoulders, ribs, knees, ankles and toes and have arthritis. My wife has psoriasis and as such has problems with arthritis due to that.
We are in good health but until we get our S1 it’s all not covered under private medical insurance