Keith Clunk;334844 wrote:Reading this thread ..
If Rachel Reeves' intention was to get 'dead money' out of idle pensions and back into the economy to work at getting the country moving and growing again then she may have pulled a blinder.
Doubt it very much.
It will get recycled into ISA's / LISA's / Next Gen Pensions / House Deposits for Next Gen / School Fees
Very little actually will go to the UK economy.
Even if people spend on themselves - it will be Foreign trips / Foreign food / Foreign luxury goods (cars, watches, brands etc) - I have nothing against foreign goods or foreigners.
My issue is that we don 't produce anything, we have no jobs, we pay people to stay at home, we have a lot of civil unrest and as time goes by it will increase and the major cause is the rising inequality.
What we need is jobs, production, goods and services the world wants / needs. Countries need energy, they need weapons, they want social media, they want affordable housing - they "all" want to pay less tax, whether you are in the village in the middle of the African jungle of living in Monaco.
Whlst I agree that pensions should not be IHT vehciles, taxing pensions to the hilt is not the solution either, it will just get swirled around the same people and placed where the wealthy hang out; and if they spend it then that wealth leaves the UK shores (that is if the wealthy have not done so themselves).
Real Jobs, Real Education, Real Products and Services (not just banking, law, politics) is what is actually needed.